Meet Mikhaela

As an entrepreneur and small business owner, I understand the need for design to be more than just attractive. It also needs to be simple and clear, unique and functional. Within every design project, I seek to achieve each of these aspects. Throughout the entire branding or website design process, we will work closely together to create a brilliant storybrand and online presence that will serve you by illuminating your work so that you can serve your customers well.

Since I was young, I have been into anything creative, including portrait pencil drawings. At college, I took up a few Graphic Design classes while seeking a degree in Health & Exercise Science, and so most of the things I have learned are self-taught through online tutorials, constant self-study, and hands-on experience. Along the way, I have had the opportunity to design marketing materials, web graphics, logos and websites while working for various businesses throughout the years. Now, MJ Studio 360 is the perfect creative outlet that allows me to serve others at the same time. My passion and experience to help entrepreneurs, small business owners and small to mid-size ministries and churches extends far beyond design: it brings me joy to be a part in helping my clients’ ministries and businesses thrive so they can continue to serve others well! (See “My BIG Why” below.)

When I’m not designing, I am answering to “Mom!”, helping my husband with his real estate business, and leading a small group of women at my church. In my spare time, chances are you will find me reading Christian non-fiction books (usually multiples at once), doing something artsy with my children, or dreaming up new business ideas. Eating healthy (for the most part), exercising (for my sanity) and spending time in the Word (for my life) help me stay on the right path and press on.

Our work takes on a whole new level of significance when we recognize that it is more than the products we’re selling or the services we’re rendering – it’s about the difference we’re making. This is why I am passionate about helping entrepreneurs, small business owners and small to mid-size ministries and churches like you with your design needs: so you have attractive and effective creative marketing tools to highlight to the world your talents, giving you an opportunity to reach your full potential doing what you are passionate about, and ultimately, making a difference by serving others and the common good.

There’s never been a better time to step into your God-given gifts and make a living doing what you are passionate about.

When you do, you’ll be serving those around you and making a difference in the world – which will bring God glory and you joy.

Trust me. Give it try. Contact me today so that I can help you launch (or re-launch) your small business or ministry dream.

Ready to use your God-given gifts, do what you are passionate about,
and serve others while doing it?

Mikhaela Craig

Design Creative | MJ Studio 360